Numbeo collects information about the price tag associated with the cost of living based on usage data from 750.00 people. This way you can not only compare the costs for your groceries with other countries worldwide, but it is also immediately clear how deep you have to dig into the bag for a roof over your head.

The index figures in the table below are based on a comparison with New York. So, this American metropolis is the zero measurement and has the index number 100. The Netherlands scores an index of 51.7 in terms of living and housing costs. The cost of housing and living is thus on average 48.3 percent lower in the Netherlands than in the US city of New York.

European top 10

Switzerland is the most expensive European country. Not a huge problem in itself. Switzerland is also ranked 3rd in the ranking of highest average salaries worldwide. The average salary-based on data from WorldData – is over 7,000 euros per month. The number four on that same list is Luxembourg: at European level, they are the second most expensive country to settle.

After Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Denmark, The Netherlands is the seventh most expensive country in Europe. Are you no longer able to stay afloat here, but are you attached to this continent? Then you might consider settling in Portugal or Croatia, for example. With respective indices of 34.1 and 30.2, the costs of living and housing are much lower there.

Country cost of Living index (including housing index)

  1. Switzerland 83.5
  2. Luxembourg 61.3
  3. Iceland 61.0
  4. Norway 60.9
  5. Ireland 58.0
  6. Denmark 55.5
  7. Netherlands 51.7
  8. France 47.5
  9. United Kingdom 46.6
  10. Finland 46.0
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